FTP access for web folder

To enhance security, common course account (e.g., sm1234) is NOT allowed to access for each web folder. All users can ONLY access the web folder by using your SCMLAB computer account

You may access the web folder via FTP:
a) Logon to FTP server sweb.cityu.edu.hk via FTP client like Filezilla with your SCMLAB computer account. (*** starting from July 2015, it is required to use FTPS to connect to sweb for enhanced security, please see our FAQ for the connection method ***)
b) Change directory to corresponding web folder (i.e., /coursecode).

For example (by using FileZilla)

  1. Launch FileZilla and type necessary information to logon FTP server.

a) Type sweb.cityu.edu.hk in "Host:"
b) Type your SCMLAB computer account (staff0203 is an example) in "UserName:"
c) Type your password in "Password"
d) Press "Quickconnect" to logon

  1. Double Click the indicated folder to leave your personal folder level.

  1. Type /coursecode (sm1234 is an example) and press <Enter> to enter your course folder.

  1. You may now upload/download your files inside the web folder.


For any queries, please write to Alan Tse <smalan@cityu.edu.hk> or SCM IT Support Team <scm.it@cityu.edu.hk>


Last updated: 09 Jul 2015