Basic Info

About your SCM Computer Account

  1. The SCM IT Support Team [SCM.IT] has created an SCM computer account for each student who uses the computing facilities in the SCM Lab. To login to any PC and Macintosh station in the SCM Lab, an SCM computer account is required.
  2. The username of an SCM computer account allocated to a student is the same as the Electronic ID (EID) assigned by the University’s Computing Services Centre (CSC). The initial password is as following format:
    • The first two characters from a student’s surname with the first character as uppercase letter and the second character as lowercase letter + last six digits of his/her Student ID.
    • For example, if a student has an EID chantm1 with surname "CHAN" and Student ID is 51234567, the username of his/her SCM computer account would be chantm1 with an initial password of Ch234567.
  3. Although both the SCM computer account and CSC computer account have the same username, their passwords are separately maintained. Hence their initial passwords may be different.
  4. You are requested to change your initial password upon your first login to any SCMLAB computers
  5. Your SCM computer account password must be changed every 6 months according to the University-Wide password policy. (You can change your SCM password here)
  6. When you are in the SCM Lab, you are logging into the SCM computer domain (SCMLAB) which is different from the university-wide computer domain (CITYUMD).
  7. Local storages of Drives C: and D: on all SCM Lab PCs serve as temporary storage areas only. All files in these areas will be removed without further notification or when the system reboots daily at 7:45am.
  8. For student’s general permanent file storing purpose, the User home drive (network drive U: in PC) should be used. This has a disk quota of 4GB and can also be accessed from the home directory at a Macintosh workstation. Requests for individual quota increases will not be entertained.
  9. Users should back-up their data regularly as requests for file restoration are not entertained.
  10. An SCM computer account will be terminated if a student is no longer registered in any SCM courses. It will be removed no later than the 2nd week of the following semester after completion of the last SCM course.

Summary of your SCM Network Drives

Drive Description Disk Quota Per User Who have this drive Remarks
U: Your personal User home directory for storing your work 4GB ALL users All files put under the directory U:\public_html\ are accessible from the Internet. The URL of your homepage is[acctname]
W: CommonShare is a temporary storage area for transferring files and can be used by all users - ALL users All data in the W:\Public directory will be deleted at 11:00pm every Saturday.
X: Student personal directory to store animation scenes, projects & rendered images - Maya users Disk quota will be specified by course instructors.
Z: READ only drive for instructors to put assignment materials,reference & material libraries - Maya users

Temporary Files in Labs

All files created by the user should be backed up or save in your network drives (e.g. drive U), because the following auto-cleanup process will remove them:

File Location Cleanup Schedule
PC: [Local C: drive]
MAC: [Macintosh HD]
Every Reboot
PC: [Local D: drive]
MAC: [Public HD]
Every Day (Only idle files untouched for one week)
W:\Public (Commonshare) Every Sat at 23:00

Lab Opening Hours

Please visit the OPENING HOURS section of SCM School Web.

Further Information

Please download our COMPUTER LAB QUICK REFERENCE for more information.