SCMLAB Password

  1. Logon Tips for New Users
    • Account Activation - User must activate his/her SCMLAB account before he/she can work on SCMLAB computers or use SCMLAB online services. Please read the following to activate your SCMLAB account:

    • The Username is the same as your Electronic ID (EID) offered by CSC

    • The initial password is preset in the format:

      1. The first 2 characters from your surname + the last 6 digits of your Student ID

      2. The first character must be an uppercase letter and the second character must be a lowercase letter

        E.g. If your surname is CHAN and Student ID is 51234567, then your initial password is Ch234567.

    • New user must "activate" your SCMLAB account via ONE of the following ways,

      1. Logging on any SCM lab Windows 10 workstation for the first time IN PERSON:

        • Visit any of our computer laboratories
        • Use your Username and Initial Password to logon
        • When your first logon is successful, you will be required to change your initial password to a new password to complete the activation (please read Password Rules & Conditions on the password requirement)
        • If you failed to logon for the first time using your initial password, your account is not activated. Please try again by repeating the steps from the beginning
      2. Logging on our SCM Password Change System:

        • Visit
        • Enter Username in “Enter your SCMLAB Username” field and click Go button
        • Enter initial password in “Enter your SCMLAB Password” field and click Continue button
        • Enter initial password again in “Enter your current password to continue:” field and click Go button
        • After successfully input your initial password, further screen will be shown and you now should type your new password twice and click Go button
        • When a screen was shown with “Successfully changed domain user password”, the password is changed and the account is activated successfully
        • Click Log off / Exit button to exit the system
        • You should be able to use the new password to login SCM lab machine in CMC or login our web system now
  2. Logon Tips for Password Expired Users
    • Password expired user must "re-activate" your SCMLAB account by logging on any SCM lab PC/Mac workstation and will force you to change your expired password immediately
    • Username is the same as your Electronic ID (EID) offered by CSC
    • Your expired password is the old password that you had used to logon SCM lab PC/Mac Workstation more than 365 days
    • Logon domain "SCMLAB"
  3. Password Rules & Conditions
    • It must be 8 - 18 characters in length.
    • It must be alphanumeric '0-9', 'a-z' and 'A-Z', e.g. c6A4h89O1.
    • It must include at least 1 Uppercase letter, 1 Lowercase letter and 1 digit.
    • It is case-sensitive, e.g. "acbbb" is not equal to "ACBBB".
    • Allowed special characters ` ~ ! @ $ ^ * ( ) - _ [ ] \ { } | ; ' , . < > / ?
    • It must not be the same as your last three passwords that you have used.
    • It must not contain your account name or display name.
      For example, if your display name is "Chan Tai Man", the password cannot contain "chan", "tai" or "man" that are case-insensitive.
    • It cannot be changed again within 30 days, so pick a good password before you confirm a change.
    • It will expire in 365 days, meaning that you have to change password again in 365 days.
  4. Changing Your Password
    • By using SCM Password Change System here.
    • Or, go to a SCM lab PC, login the system, and then press <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del>, and select "Changing a password..."
  5. Reseting Your Password (Password Forgotten)
    • In case your password is lost, so that you cannot change it by the above, please bring your CityU Student ID Card to Production Equipment Centre at M6086 or IT Office at M7052 during office hours to reset it.